Veeam Storage Plugin for DataCore – V1.2.0 improvements

I already discussed the initial version of this plugin in

The cosmetical “1970” bug mentioned in the blog post above has already been fixed in an interims release. With V1.2.0 now we get full CDP support. CDP in this context does not relate to Veeam’s functionality of the same name. DataCore maintains a feature with this acronym for at least 10 years already.

I also explained a workaround to leverage CDP rollback points with the old version of the plugin already. We will not need the workaround any more, as the plugin now detects CDP rollback points just like it detects snapshots on your SanSymphony volumes!

The first installation of the plugin is pretty straightforward and was also discussed already. To update your installation, the new version of the plugin can be installed on top of the old one. Just disable all jobs beforehand and wait for VBR to become idle. The installer will replace the plugin files within the path.

C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication\Plugins\Storage\DataCore Software Corporation

Once installed and configured, VBR will detect all CDP rollback points you create from the DataCore console right away and will let you do all recoveries as with common snapshots. The difference is, that you do not need to have any snapshot schedules. Just enable CDP for your volumes. Only when necessary, create your rollback to the exact moment in time needed. Could e.g. be just a few seconds BEFORE the ransomware started to encrypt your fileserver. This allows to lower your RPO for all VMs to a few seconds.

In contrast to snapshots you are currently not able to generate rollback points from within your Veeam console. You have to jump to DataCores console. This is because some extra decisions have to be made to generate a rollback point:

  1. Exact point in time to spawn the rollback point to
  2. Type of the rollback point: either “Expire Rollback” or “Persistant Rollback”

The amount of time you can rewind depends on your license within DataCore on one hand and the size of the history buffer you reserved on the other. I would strive for at least 8h here, to allow for rolling back a regular working day. But more is even better of course. For a 24h buffer you would have to reserve your daily change rate as a history buffer at least. So have some extra disk space ready.

An “Expire Rollback” will automatically be disposed, once the rollback point in time moves out of this history buffer. This could of course be dangerous in a recovery scenario, as you would all of a sudden loose the valuable restore point. Maybe right in the middle of a recovery. This is why in the default settings only a “Persistant Rollback” will be detected by Veeam. But this can be changed of course. Read about the details in this whitepaper.

I would though recommend to stick with only detecting “Persistant Rollbacks”. Those rollbacks should preferably only be used with mirrored volumes. Here a rollback will still be secured once it reaches the end of the history buffer. Now the productive volume on the side of the history buffer will be disconnected. With a mirrored volume this will result in a volume running from only one side of your cluster. But your VMs will be available and so will the rollback point.

One should plan for CDP accordingly. Have an independent disk pool for your history buffer to minimize performance penalties. This buffer should offer the same performance rate as the productive pool does. I would recommend 32MB as a SAU (Storage Allocation Unit) size for the buffer pool. For the productive pool I usually stick to 128MB, though 1024MB is the default now. This enhances granularity for AST

VMware vSphere 7.0 U3c released

What happened to vSphere 7.0 U3 ?

vSphere 7.0 Update 3 was initially released on October 5, 2021. Shortly after release, there were a number of issues reported by customers, so on November 18, 2021, all ESXi versions 7.0 U3a, U3b, U3c, as well as vCenter 7.0 U3b were withdrawn from VMware’s download area. VMware explains details of the issue in KB 86191.

The main reason was a duplicate driver i40en and i40enu for Intel 10 GBit NICs X710 and X722 in the system. A check on the CLI returns a result quickly. Only one result may be returned here.

esxcli software vib list | grep -i i40
one result good – two results bad 😉

Hosts with both drivers will potentially have HA issues when updating to U3c, as well as issues with NSX.

What’s new with Update 3c ?

On 27 January 2022 ( 28 January 2022 CET) the new Update 3c was released and is available for download. Besides fixing the issues from previous Update 3 versions (KB 86191), the main feature is the fix for the Apache Log4j vulnerability (VMSA-2021-0028.10).

All users and customers who had installed one of the withdrawn updates 3 at an early stage are highly recommended to update to version U3c.

Continue reading “VMware vSphere 7.0 U3c released”

Running Tanzu Community Edition on a Linux VM – Simple Walkthrough for Beginners

You don’t need an enterprise cluster in order to get an impression of VMware Tanzu and Kubernetes. Thanks to the Tanzu Community Edition (TCE), now anyone can try it out for themselves – for free. The functionality offered is not limited in comparison to commercial Tanzu versions. The only thing you don’t get with TCE is professional support from VMware. Support is provided by the community via forums, Slack groups or Github. This is perfectly sufficient for a PoC cluster or the CKA exam training.

Deployment is pretty fast and after a couple of minutes you will have a functional Tanzu cluster.

TCE Architecture

The TCE can be deployed in two variants either as a standalone cluster or as a managed cluster.

Standalone Cluster

A fast and resource-efficient way of deployment without a management cluster. Ideal for small tests and demos. The standalone cluster offers no lifecycle management. Instead, it has a small footprint and can also be used on small environments.

Source: VMware

Managed Cluster

Like commercial Tanzu versions, there is a management cluster and 1 to n workload clusters. It comes with lifecycle management and cluster API. Thus, declarative configuration files can be used to define your Kubernetes cluster. For example, the number of nodes in the management cluster, the number of worker nodes, the version of the Ubuntu image or the Kubernetes version. Cluster API ensures compliance with the declaration. For example, if a worker node fails, it will be replaced automatically.

By using multiple nodes, the managed cluster of course also requires considerably more resources.

Source: VMware

Deployment options

TCE can be deployed either locally on a workstation by using Docker, in your own lab/datacenter on vSphere, or in the cloud on Azure or aws.

I have a licensed Tanzu with vSAN and NSX-T integration up and running in my lab. So TCE on vSphere would not really make sense here. Cloud resources on aws or Azure are expensive. Therefore, I would like to describe the smallest possible and most economical deployment of a standalone cluster using Docker. To do so, I will use a VM on VMware workstation. Alternatively, a VMware player or any other kind of hypervisor can be used.

Continue reading “Running Tanzu Community Edition on a Linux VM – Simple Walkthrough for Beginners”

Improve your K8s and Tanzu Skills with VMware ModernApps Ninja

VMware has launched a training portal that allows you to improve your skills and knowledge of Tanzu and Kubernetes. On the portal ModernAppsNinja there are many free trainings that will bring you closer to the ModernApps topic. You will find a variety of courses, labs, tutorials, learning materials and handson tutorials. For example, if you want to prepare for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA), or the VCP ModernApps, you can easily find the necessary resources and tools there. But also useful tutorials such as how to use VSCode.