Using WinSCP with vCenter Server Appliance

Sometimes it’s necesary to exchange files with the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA). Secure Copy Protocol is the tool of choice to do that job. Besides CLI commands there are handy programs like WinSCP.

While trying to establish a WinSCP connection to VCSA I’ve received communication errors. Whereas SSH connection worked without problems.

The problem is that WinSCP cannot use VCSA’s default shell as communication target. You have to switch default shell first before connecting. To do so, login to VCSA with SSH and activate Bash. Continue reading “VCSA and SCP”

vShield to NSX migration

Replacing deprecated vShield by NSX for vSphere

VMware vShield is part of the vCloud Networking and Security (vCNS) suite. Its latest version 5.5 has reached EOGS (end of general support) in September 2016 and has been replaced by NSX for vSphere.

We still see quite a lot of vShield installations in productive environments. Mainly used for agentless guest introspection together with security solutions like Trendmicro DeepSecurity,  McAfee Move or others. Now that many customers consider migrating from vSphere 6.0 to vSphere 6.5, they have to face the fact that vShield is no longer supported from vSphere 6.5 onwards. And it is crucial to take product compatibility into account. There is a relationship between different vSphere, NSX and security product versions.

That’s why I show different migration paths in this blog article. Continue reading “vShield to NSX migration”

Increase efficiency with vRealize Log Insight

Syslog Server – a time saving tool

Today I’m writing about a use case, which is not very popular amongst IT professionals. Troubleshooting by parsing system logs. Sounds attractive as a dental surgery.

Almost any system and any component logs events, warnings and errors into some kind of internal log. Emphasis is on any and internal, because that’s part of the problem. Log information isn’t usually easy accessible. And once you’ve copied all logs to a common location, you need to scroll through it by a text editor. This is cumbersome and tricky. If you – for example – have to align events from a server with events from a switch, you’ll need multiple steps to achieve it. A very time-consuming procedure. If you have bad luck (Murphy says, you will..), one of the components is unavailable, because an error occurred. No log – no analysis. Continue reading “Increase efficiency with vRealize Log Insight”

Increase root partition on VCSA

First aid if VCSA root partition turns out to be too small

I recent times I frequently see vCenter server appliances (VCSA), whose root partitions ran out of free space. As a result services are unable to start after reboot. There are some tricks to free some space on root but on the long run you should increase the partition size.

Sounds simple – but it’s quite tricky and a bit dangerous. Don’t try this at home! 😉

Continue reading “Increase root partition on VCSA”