There are still a few weeks to go until VMware Explore 2024 EMEA opens its doors in Barcelona at the Fira Gran Via. Time flies, as we all know.
As in previous years, I would like to put together a small guide. I hope this background information will be helpful, especially for first-time visitors.

As early as 2018, I put together a small survival guide for this event, which is still largely valid. Although the event is now being held for the third time under the name VMware Explore instead of the original name VMworld.
From the airport to the hotel
There are regular buses from the airport to the city center. The Aerobus lines T1 and T2 start at Terminals 1 and 2 and both run via Placa Espana to the terminus at Placa Catalunya near the historic center. Prices increase slightly every year, but they are still a cheap and fast way to get to the city center. A return ticket currently costs €12.50 per person.
Alternatively, if you are staying close to Fira, you can take the L9 metro from the airport to Fira or Europa Fira.

Getting to Fira
Public transport in Barcelona is well organized. No matter where you live, the nearest metro station is usually no more than 2 blocks away. Trains run at short intervals. The destination station is either Europa/Fira, a ten-minute walk away, or you can change trains again to Fira station.
The public transport company TMB offers a 10-trip ticket. 10 journeys throughout the city for €12.15.
Pro tip: Ask for a metro ticket when you register for VMware Explore. So far, the above-mentioned 10-ride ticket has only been issued to participants on request. Whether this will be the case again in 2024 is yet to be seen.

When registering for VMware Explore, you will receive your exhibition badge, which gives you access to the exhibition venue and the sponsored evening events.
Registration is open on all days of the fair. Those arriving early can pick up their badge from 3 p.m. on Sunday.
The Explore Pass includes a rucksack, which is handed out at registration. As well as being a collector’s item, it is also very useful for the daily commute to and from the exhibition by public transport.
Pro tip: Only take the essentials with you in the morning. Food and drinks are available everywhere on the exhibition grounds. Your rucksack will fill up all by itself during the day

Climate and what to wear
VMware Explore EMEA has been taking place in November for several years now. At this time of year, temperatures in Barcelona are mild. It is usually pleasantly warm, but no longer hot. It can also be a little cooler in the morning hours. Rain showers are also possible. Check the weather forecast daily and take a light rain jacket with you if necessary (-> backpack).
Rule number 1: leave your business clothes at home. Put on comfortable shoes that you can walk around without any problems for a whole day.
Nobody expects a jacket and dress shirt here. On the other hand, T-shirts from a past VMware or VMUG event are always good conversation starters.
In addition to the technical content of the presentations, it is of course all about networking and maintaining friendships. I didn’t know anyone when I first attended VMworld. To my surprise, I was warmly welcomed by well-connected members. I still have many of these first people I met in my circle of friends today and look forward to meeting them again every year.
Activities beyond of VMware Explore
VMware Explore will challenge you physically. Lots of talks, technical deep dives, interesting sessions and, above all, walking long distances. During the course of the day, you will walk many footsteps to get from the trade fair (Expo) to the presentations or to lunch. If you still have energy left, you can dive into the nightlife. There are numerous parties and vBeers all over the city. As soon as I receive information about events, I will publish an update here.
I would particularly like to highlight the traditional vBreakfast on Tuesday morning between 7:00 and 8:30 before the General Session. Those members of the community who manage to get out of bed that early meet up here. Even though the event is thankfully sponsored by Runecast, it has nothing in common with an advertising event. This is a meeting place for bloggers, VMUG leaders or simply people interested in the community. Even if you don’t know anyone yet – you’ll know a lot of interesting people afterwards. Guaranteed!
The vBreakfast event 2024 has not yet been confirmed. Stay tuned for updates!
Wer nach Tagen geballter IT etwas in die Kultur eintauchen möchte, ist in Barcelona genau richtig. Bekannte Künstler wie Pablo Picasso, Joan Miro oder Antoni Gaudi waren hier kreativ tätig, prägten die Stadt und wurden selbst von der Stadt beeinflusst.
Hier ist das Miro-Museum zu erwähnen, welches die mit Abstand größte Sammlung seiner Werke umfasst. Absolut sehenswert ist das Museu Picasso mitten in der Altstadt, welches u.a. Frühwerke, Skizzen und weniger bekannte Schaffensphasen des Künstlers zeigt. An Gaudi kommt man in Barcelona nicht vorbei. Zu seinen wichtigsten Werken gehören u.a. der Park-Güell und natürlich die Sagrada Familia im Herzen Barcelonas.
If you want to immerse yourself in culture after days of concentrated IT, Barcelona is the place for you. Famous artists such as Pablo Picasso, Joan Miro and Antoni Gaudi were creative here, left their mark on the city and were themselves influenced by the city.
The Miro Museum, which has by far the largest collection of his works, is worth a visit. The Museu Picasso in the heart of the old town is well worth a visit and exhibits the artist’s early works, sketches and lesser-known creative phases. There is no getting around Gaudi in Barcelona. His most important works include Park Güell and, of course, the Sagrada Familia cathedral in the heart of Barcelona.