ElasticSky.de chosen as official blogging partner
It’ll be the eleventh time when VMworld Europe opens its gates in Barcelona from 4th November to 7th November 2019. Traditionally VMworld Europe takes place after VMworld North-America, which will be held in San Francisco in August 2019. VMworld Europe will mainly attract visitors from the EMEA region. Although breakout sessions will be mostly the same in SF and BCN, both events will have different content and highlights. There are three months time in between, so you can be sure to expect announcements in Barcelona that weren’t ready in August.

Every year bloggers can apply for one of the few blogging passes handed out by VMware. In 2018 I successfully applied for a pass and so I tried it again in 2019. Last Monday I got an email which confirmed that I will get one of the blogging passes. I’m very happy honored about getting a pass for the second time. Many thanks to the blogging team at VMware.
Friends asked me if I would go there even if I hadn’t been selected. The answer is yes for numerous reasons. Besides condensed first-hand information it is networking with friends from all over the world. Where else can you meet VMware product managers and developers in one place. Last year I have written a VMworld Survival Guide about going to Barcelona and why.
Early Bird registration will be open until July 23rd 2019. You can save 200 € on ticket price when booking before end of early bird registration phase.
I’m going to post articles here on ElasticSky.de before and during VMworld Europe. Stay tuned.