vExpert experience

The first 3 months in the life of a vExpert

I’ve been blogging about virtualization and VMware for almost 8 years now. It started simple as a digital reminder, or as I like to call it: „a swap partition for my brain“. This blog was meant to be a central location to store all these tips and tricks, procedures and workarounds. I didn’t expect anyone to read my content and in fact in the beginning there was no reaction. After two years of blogging, first responses reached me (someone actually read that stuff). So I’ve started to design my posts in a more comprehensive and educational way. More and more people wrote comments or sent emails – all of them very encouraging and positive.

Thank you all for pushing me forward.

In May 2017 I’ve visited VeeamON in New Orleans. After more than a decade in virtualization this was my first international convention and also a game changer. I met there some well-known bloggers, vExperts and Vanguards. While chatting about their blogs I found out that some of them actually knew my site, which honestly surprised me.

Until then my personal definition of vExperts were people whose blogs I used to read frequently. Excellent resources like Yellow-Bricks by Duncan, ESXvirtualization by Vladan, by Frank, CormacHogan by himself and a dozen others. In mid 2017 some colleagues convinced me to apply for vExpert 2017 (2nd half). Honestly, I did not expect to have the slightest chance of success – but on the other hand I had nothing to lose. OK, let’s press submit.

You’ve got mail

Weeks passed and nothing happened. In early August I had a look at the current vExpert list, but I didn’t find my name on it and so I’ve cast aside all thoughts about it.

Two weeks later at breakfast time I found an email from Corey Romero in my inbox, saying „welcome to the 2017 vExpert program“. I remember that I had a tough day at work, but I’ve kept smiling all day long 🙂

VMworld 2017

In September I went to VMworld Barcelona. Unlike other conventions before I got the impression that quite a lot of official people now took care about me. I was invited to special meetups, got a seat in the bloggers and press row during VMworld keynotes, became a member of VMTN Blogbeat, sponsors offered extra vExpert swag-bags, more people followed me on twitter and not to forget the outstanding vExpert reception party at Cafe del mar, where I’ve met a couple of interesting people. Some of them being vExperts and VCDX for years.

During VMworld I’ve spent most of the time in the blogging area. That’s the best spot to meet and exchange with other bloggers. One thing I’ve learnt is that bloggers and even vSuperheroes are a very friendly bunch of people. No matter if you’re a noob or a seasoned member of the community, everyone has been very kind and helpful.

Don’t be shy to get in touch with them, but show some respect. Don’t assault them for a selfie trophy. Don’t brag with your own achievements or projects – it’s not a competition. Tell them you’ve liked one of their presentations, a special posting or their blog in general. Every blogger likes that 😉


Although it’s flattering being a member in the vExpert club now, I see it as an obligation to put even more effort into blogging and sharing content with the community.

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